The behaviour of Japanese consumers is changing. Once reluctant to use online shopping, Japan now has a well-developed ecommerce infrastructure. This shift means that the behaviour of Japanese consumers is becoming more like the behaviour of European and US consumers i.e. searching for better value and shopping more often online. Despite becoming more ‘westernised’, it is interesting to observe how the behaviour of online Japanese consumers differs in some ways to other consumers. You will also find out how Pertemba handles these differences.
Amazon Japan is a popular marketplace for online Japanese consumers. Pertemba will list your products on Amazon Japan, which is a much more effective way of reaching your audience than setting up your own online shop. You can reach a much larger audience through 3rd party marketplaces, and you will not have to deal with the costs of attracting customers to an unknown site.
We have our own in-house native translators, which is important for listing products on the marketplace. Japanese customers will be deterred by online translating as it is not always accurate. Products translated online can be difficult to read and not make sense. Therefore our in-house translators translate the products you want to list on Amazon Japan so that you can reach a wider audience.
Customer Loyalty
Loyalty is valued in Japanese culture, meaning that customer loyalty is very important in Japan. Japanese consumers are on the lookout for promotions and deals. On Amazon Japan we offer a points system on the products we list, which encourages Japanese customer loyalty.
Shipping and Returns
At Pertemba we have the logistical infrastructure to ship products to Japan in a timely manner suited to the Japanese consumer. Japan is an appealing market for retailers because returns are much lower than other export markets, such as Germany. Part of this is due to the country’s culture. Some Japanese sites do not even have a returns policy. However, at Pertemba we handle the hassle and costs of returns for Japan and countries all over the world.
Consumers in Japan are said to the most demanding for quality. The Japanese make their decision to purchase a product based on the information, delivery, packaging and customer service during the sales process and for any after-sales enquiries. Japanese consumers can be assured of a quality service with Pertemba, as we have our own native in-house speakers. This means Japanese customers can contact our team with any queries in their native language, rather than having to communicate in English.
If you are interested in selling in Japan, then why not contact Pertemba to find out how we can help.